On Monday 25 April 2022, Dr. Krissanapong Kiratikara, the Chairman of Kasetsart University Council and Dr. Chongrak Wachrinrat, the President of Kasetsart University jointly signed the joint degree certificate of the Master of Science Program in Life Sciences (International Program) to Mr. Kakeru Nagaki and Mr. Kazuya Tanioka who are the first two students of the Joint Degree Program of the Master of Science Program in Life Sciences (International Program) between the Faculty of Science and the Graduate School, Kasetsart University and the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University, Japan. Both students graduated in the second semester of 2021 academic year on 23 March 2022 under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Gunjana Theeragool from the Faculty of Science, Bangkhen. Mr. Nagaki and Mr. Tanioka were enrolled since the first semester of 2020 academic year. Each of them had an academic work published in international academic journal in SCOPUS, PUBMED, ISI (Impact Factor in 2020 = 4.813), and Q1 (2020). Upon this occasion, Associate Professor Dr. Somwang Khantayanuwong, the Vice President for Advanced Education Development and Suphan Buri Campus Establishment Project; Associate Professor Dr. Srijidtra Charoenlarpnopparut, the Dean of the Graduate School; and Associate Professor Dr. Gunjana Theeragool participated as witnesses. The event took place at the Office of the President, 4th floor, Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Building, Kasetsart University.
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