The Chairman of Kasetsart University Council and The President of Kasetsart University Signed the Joint Degree Certificates between Kasetsart University and Yamaguchi University

On Monday 25 April 2022, Dr. Krissanapong Kiratikara, the Chairman of Kasetsart University Council and Dr. Chongrak Wachrinrat, the President of Kasetsart University jointly signed the joint degree certificate of the Master of Science Program in Life Sciences (International Program) to Mr. Kakeru Nagaki and Mr. Kazuya Tanioka who are the first two students of the Joint Degree Program of the Master of Science Program in Life Sciences (International Program) between the Faculty of Science and the Graduate School, Kasetsart University and the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University, Japan. Both students graduated in the second semester of 2021 academic year on 23 March 2022 under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Gunjana Theeragool from the Faculty of Science, Bangkhen. Mr. Nagaki and Mr. Tanioka were enrolled since the first semester of 2020 academic year. Each of them had an academic work published in international academic journal in SCOPUS, PUBMED, ISI (Impact Factor in 2020 = 4.813), and Q1 (2020). Upon this occasion, Associate Professor Dr. Somwang Khantayanuwong, the Vice President for Advanced Education Development and Suphan Buri Campus Establishment Project; Associate Professor Dr. Srijidtra Charoenlarpnopparut, the Dean of the Graduate School; and Associate Professor Dr. Gunjana Theeragool participated as witnesses. The event took place at the Office of the President, 4th floor, Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Building, Kasetsart University.

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The Online Workshop iThesis 1: Thesis Proposal Preparation and iThesis 2: Thesis Composting for the international graduate students

On Tuesday 15th March 2022, The Graduate School, Kasetsart University organized the Online Workshop iThesis 1: Thesis Proposal Preparation and iThesis 2: Thesis Composting for the international graduate students via Cisco WebEx Program The training consists of the opening speech and overview of iThesis by Associate Professor Dr. Weeraphart Khunrattanasiri, Associate Dean for Information, iThesis Demonstration by The Graduate School iThesis staff members and the EndNote program demonstration together with iThesis Add-in introduced by a librarian, Professional level from KU library. The training was live broadcast from the Digital Media Production Room, 5th Floor of the Graduate School Building.

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The Chairman of Kasetsart University Council and The President of Kasetsart University Signed the Degree Certificate of the First Joint Ph.D. Degree Program Student between Kasetsart University and Nagoya University

On Monday 27 September 2021, Dr. Krissanapong Kiratikara, the Chairman of Kasetsart University Council and Dr. Chongrak Wachrinrat, the President of Kasetsart University jointly signed the degree certificate of the Doctor of Philosophy (Agricultural Sciences) to Ms. Ayano Hata who is the first student of the Joint Ph.D. Degree Program between the Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen campus; the Graduate School, Kasetsart University; and the Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan. Ms. Hata enrolled in the first semester, 2018 academic year and graduated in the second semester, 2020 academic year, on Thursday 25 March 2021 under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Skorn Koonawootrittriron from the Faculty of Agriculture. Her research has been published in two international academic journals in Q1 of ISI international database. Upon this occasion, Associate Professor Dr. Somwang Khantayanuwong, the Vice President for Advanced Education Development and Suphan Buri Campus Establishment Project; Associate Professor Dr. Srijidtra Charoenlarpnopparut, the Dean of the Graduate School; and Assistant Professor Dr. Surang Hansawang, Associate Dean for General Affairs also participated as witnesses. The event took place at the Office of the President, 4th floor, Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Building, Kasetsart University.  

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The 3rd 2020 iThesis Training for the international graduate students via Facebook Live

On Friday 22 May 2020, The Graduate School, Kasetsart University organized the 3rd 2020 iThesis training for the international graduate students via Facebook Live during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic from 9.00 – 12.00, conducted by The Graduate School iThesis staff members. The training was live broadcast from the Digital Media Production Room, 5th Floor of the Graduate School Building.

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2020 iThesis Training for Graduate Students via Facebook Live

On Wednesday 25 March 2020, The Graduate School, Kasetsart University organized the 2020 iThesis training for graduate students via Facebook Live during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic. Assistant Professor Dr. Weeraphart Khunrattanasiri, Associate Dean for General Affairs, and Associate Professor Dr. Srijidtra Charoenlarpnopparut, Associate Dean for Education Standards welcomed and explained about the importance of iThesis to all participants. This training was conducted by The Graduate School iThesis staff members. The training was divided into two sessions; the morning session was conducted for international graduate students, and the afternoon session was conducted for Thai graduate students. The training was live broadcast from the Digital Media Production Room, 5th Floor of the Graduate School Building.

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The 1st iThesis Training for International Graduate Students 2020

On Thursday 30th January 2020, The Graduate School, Kasetsart University organized the 1st iThesis Training for International Graduate Students 2020. The training was conducted by The Graduate School iThesis staff members. Assistant Professor Dr. Weeraphart Khunrattanasiri, Associate Dean for General Affairs, welcomed and elucidated about the importance of iThesis to all participants. Eleven international students from various faculties and fields of studies participated in this training which took place in the Computer Room on the fourth floor of The Graduate School Building, Bangkhen Campus.

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iThesis Training News 27 November 2019

On Wednesday 27th November 2019, The Graduate School, Kasetsart University organizedthe 5th iThesis Training for International Graduate Students 2019. The training was conductedby The Graduate School iThesis staff members. Assistant Professor Dr. Weeraphart Khunrattanasiri, Associate Dean for General Affairs, welcomed and elucidated about the importance of iThesis to all participants. Eight international students from various faculties and fields of studies participated in this training which took place in the Computer Room on the fourth floor of The Graduate School Building, Bangkhen Campus.

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iThesis Training News 27 September 2019

On Friday 27 September 2019, The Graduate School, Kasetsart University organized the 5th iThesis Training for International Graduate Students 2019. The training was conducted by The Graduate School iThesis staff members. Assistant Professor Dr.Weeraphart Khunrattanasiri, Associate Dean for General Affairs, welcomed and explained about the importance of iThesis to all participants. Twenty Eight international students from various faculties and fields of studies participated in the training which took place in the 2nd meeting room, 7th floor of the Graduate School Building.

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The First 2019 iThesis Training for International Graduate Students

On Wednesday 23 January 2019, The Graduate School, KasetsartUniversity conducted the first 2019 iThesis training for international graduate students.The iThesis training was conducted by Miss VisakhaCHUNHAKORN, a doctor’s degree graduate from Chemistry Department, the Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, as well as The Graduate School staff members.At the beginning of the training, Assistant ProfessorDr. WeeraphartKhunrattanasiri, Associate Dean forGeneral Affairs, welcomed and explained the importance of iThesis to all the participants. Fifteen international students from various facultiesand fields of studies participated in the training.The training took place in the Computer Laboratory on the fourth floor of The Graduate School Building at the Bangkhen Campus.

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