In the summer semester, the maximum registration is 7 credits.
Students who want to drop a course in the second semester 2015,
can do so during the period 18 February – 12 April 2016.
GC (Graduate Credit)
is used for subjects with credits counted in graduate studies.
The grading is reported on a scale from A to F (with the exception of both thesis and independent study, which are reported as either S or U).
GA (Graduate Audit)
is used for subjects with credits not counted in graduate studies.
The grading is reported as either S or U.
UC (Undergraduate Credit)
is used for subjects with credits counted in undergraduate
studies. The grading is reported on a scale from A to F.
UA (Undergraduate Audit)
is used for subjects with credits not counted in undergraduate
studies. The grading is reported as either S or U

* This process is applicable to only international students who register by themselves. Students who register via ISC need to follow the ISC process.

* This process is applicable to only international students who register by themselves. Students who register via ISC need to follow the ISC process.